G008 标题: The return of what you did
BGM: 麻烦换成不要那么欢快的,可以改成两段背景乐, 后面改成污水厂的那里可以换成欢快的。还有肚子疼的那一端能加些特效疑云就更好了,夸张些的。
l 儿子,就是那里- My son, look! That’s it!
l 明年我们家的工厂就在那里建起来了- We will built a factory over there next year.
l 太棒了,赚了钱,就可以每天吃我最爱吃的鱼了- That is awesome. I can eat my favorite food fish every day!
l 小猫咪去哪里了?有这么好吃的鱼骨头。-Where is my kitty? What a delicious fish bone.
l 啊!肚子好痛! - Ahhh, my stomach! Help me!!
l 儿子,出什么事了?- What’s going on my son?
l 喂,120吗?快派救护车来。- Is 911, please ……
After a week…
l 儿子,我觉得经过这次大病我们已经不需要它了。-Wy son, we don’t need that anymore. What do you think?
l 回答: I think we can improve it to save the river.
l 父亲: You are so great. That is good idea. We can remold it as Sewage treatment plant.
污水处理: Sewage treatment
l 小家伙终于回来了- you are back!
l 她可是聪明的很呢。- She is very clever, isn't she?
麻烦加一页内容: The environment is eyes on you! – by Yanluo Li
最后一页: Thank you for your watching!